With Integrations with 20+ leading administrators, Funds-Axis can support you in meeting your Annex IV Reporting Deadlines
AIFMs - ensure timely filing to regulators of all your AIFMD transparency reporting obligations with Funds-Axis’ comprehensive Annex IV calculation and reporting solution.
Our client on-boarding process is massively simplified on account of us having existing integration with the data file formats from 20+ leading administrators and prime-brokers. Funds-Axis has already been seen selected to deliver AIFMD Annex IV Reporting for several hundred funds.
We manage the entire Annex IV process; data management, all complex calculations, enrichment of data, population of all 340 required fields, XML conversion and submission to the regulator. Our solution, FundWare:
- Performs all required Annex IV calculations, including commitment and gross method exposure and liquidity calculations
- Generates excel and XML reports with one click
- Enables workflow management for review, approval and submission to regulatory authorities
- Provides transparency and a full audit trail
Visit http://www.funds-axis.com/aifmd-annex-iv-reporting/ for further details and contact Jason Murray at jason.murray@funds-axis.com or call +44 2890 329736.