Watson Wheatley Financial Systems (WWFS) have announced a new contract with a London based hedge fund. This new client will use the i-Recs reconciliation solution and data aggregation tools across a wide variety of asset classes and funds.
“We are pleased to announce another client who will be using our i-Recs reconciliation solution. The last 18 months have seen a significant increase in the uptake of our offering and we look forward to announcing further clients in the near future. We believe that the combination of rapid data aggregation, an accounting framework and our unique total equity calculation are playing a major role in growing our client base” commented Director Duncan Wheatley.
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ABOUT WATSON WHEATLEY FINANCIAL SYSTEMS Watson Wheatley Financial Systems is a reconciliation system vendor with worldwide clients including hedge funds, long only asset managers and commodities traders. Its principal products are i-Recs and Importer. i-Recs is an extremely versatile and powerful reconciliation solution, used worldwide by clients with over $115bn in assets under administration.
For further information please visit: http://www.watsonwheatley.com/