Enterprise Portfolio and Partnership Accounting Software for Hedge Funds, Fund of Funds and Private Equity Funds Increased regulation, higher tr…
Antares is the complete trade order management system that makes it simple to trade and report all types of securities...all from one client-ser…
Whichever strategy you choose to analyze your fixed income and equity investments, there are inherent risks. You can reduce those risks by using…
SS&C Chorus is the #1 intelligent automation platform for financial services and insurance firms. With proven success in high-risk, regulated in…
SS&C Chorus BPM is the #1 intelligent automation platform for financial services and insurance firms. With proven success in high-risk, regulate…
SS&C is focused on changing the paradigm of transaction processing through ‘extract and automate’. In March 2020, SS&C acquired Vidado, a machin…
FundRunner Marathon is an advanced Investor Relationship Management (IRM) & Due Diligence Management (DDM) customer relationship management soft…
Investment Accounting, Reporting and Analytics for a Broad Range of Asset Classes SS&C Global Gateway gives insurance firm investment managers t…
Every wealth manager must be able to deliver core services such as tax lot accounting, performance measurement and fee processing, but that does…
SS&C GlobeOp is a leading funds administrator providing the world's most comprehensive array of financial technology products and services under…
For years, Pacer™ has been the choice of investment professionals seeking a powerful system to manage diversified global portfolios. If you are…
By meeting your clients' communication needs, you can distinguish yourself from your competitors. Pages is a powerful client communications solu…
Percana is a multi-tenanted policy administration system used to host greenfield and legacy products across a spectrum of Pensions, Savings, Bon…
SS&C PORTIA is the industry's premier middle-to-back office solution, automating the operations of more than 200 investment managers in over 40…
Reconciliation and exception management deal with data from across the enterprise on a day-to-day basis, forming an excellent focal point for th…
Our BPO organization has been in operation since 1969 and has the knowledge capital of 50 years of experience in working with a variety of clien…
SS&C’s Risk & Compliance Intelligence Platform (RCI) provides accurate and detailed surveillance and analysis of all transactions, orders, accou…
A performance measurement and attribution system that includes fixed income and security level attribution, customized benchmarking and composit…
Centralized Private Equity Software TNR Solution™ As the private equity industry faces additional regulatory oversight, increasing investor requ…
When considering a purchase of a Treasury and Capital Markets system, financial institutions are confronted with many challenging decisions. One…