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Founded in 2018 by D Venkatesh and Ankur Handa, Lentra is a lending platform designed and developed to empower banks with a fully digital ecosystem. It services more than 60 banks and processes over 3 million applications monthly. It has processed over 13 billion transactions and $21Bn worth of Loans on its platform so far. Lentra isone of the fastest growing enterprise SaaS companies in India, empowering banks to democratise credit and fuel the dreams and ambitions of millions, offering ready-to-use 3rd party API connectors to various data sources that banks crave to hook into. Several types of pre-configured loan journeys for originations, Loan management system, cutting-edge customer intelligence and a no-code Business rules engine (BREx) constitute some significant modules for clients to use out of the box. Clients can choose to use all or some of these modules as per their requirements.