iMeta is a leading provider of Onboarding, Client Lifecycle and Master Data Management software and services; delivering solutions to global regulated institutions. iMeta Technologies enables organisations to fully automate and manage the complex regulatory and operational data required to transact with their customers through the iMeta CLM platform. The system complies with KYC and AML requirements and regulatory demands such as MiFIDII, DFA and EMIR- offering regulatory surety and delivering a single, accurate client view across the organization.
iMeta’s CLM platform helps clients ensure that they onboard and KYC their clients as effectively and efficiently as possible, comply with regulation, obtain a single client view and optimise their client's experience in dealing with all business lines within their organisation, whilst at the same time reducing cost and optimising operational processes. iMeta CLM is a complete, end to end on-boarding & client lifecycle data management platform; capable of automating the comprehensive regulatory & operational processes when onboarding and managing the clients and entities of capital market organisations.
iMeta CLM includes:
- Connectivity to industry data and documentation sources
- Intuitive legal entity data management
- Account and SSI management
- A configurable data model with flexible workflow and rules - An integration layer that enables stright through processing to downstream systems