FINASTRA ARC Finastra ARC provides a comprehensive and extensable solution to balance risk management while meeting key regulatory requirements.…
Finastra Kondor Treasurers are positioned to make better decisions, communicate efficiently, and lead confidently. Fusion Treasury makes the mos…
Offered on a modern, industry-standard technology stack, Loan IQ empowers financial institutions to service multiple lending business lines with…
MortgagebotLOS MortgagebotLOS is an all-in-one loan origination system that supports retail, wholesale and correspondent mortgage lending. It is…
Finastra Opics is the ideal front-to-back office solution for regional and local banks looking to centralise their systems and gain increasing v…
Originate Mortgagebot Finastra Originate Mortgagebot is a web-based solution that allows lenders to receive accurate, qualified applications thr…
Finastra Summit solves the many challenges of today’s markets. It combines unique coverage of vanilla and complex derivatives with powerful work…
FInastra Trade Innovation Harness the industry’s leading capabilities for frictionless trade and supply chain finance, and future-proof your glo…
FusionBanking Equation has the depth and breadth of functionality to support core banking operations and has more than 250 installations worldwi…
Everything you need for trade processing, cash and accounting Corporate treasurers need robust financial systems and processes to support growth…
Fusion Confirmation Matching Service Better performance, right now - automatic trade confirmation matching offers an instant, low-cost route to…
Transform your core Fusion Essence, Finastra core banking solutions create the foundation for your bank’s digital future. Designed and built wit…
Next generation Islamic banking Islamic banking assets at commercial banks have passed $1.7 trillion, with annual growth of over 17%. Islamic ba…
Fusion Global PAYplus Fusion Global PAYplus allows financial institutions to consolidate legacy systems into a single, highly configurable payme…
Our suite of award winning core banking solutions covers all aspects of banking – from retail, to corporate, to universal. Our solutions have th…
Bringing trading, risk management and operations closer together FusionCapital Sophis offers a single solution to the many challenges faced by m…
Intrieve®Advantage Core is an outsourced, fully integrated core solution for thrifts and savings banks. Developed and customized specifically fo…
Phoenix™ System International is a high-performance, multi-currency enterprise core processing solution, specifically designed for financial ins…