Given the significance of the need to mitigate threats to company data, security testing assessment requires covered entities to implement indus…
Increased global regulatory pressure coupled with fragmented regulatory landscape is making financial institutions realize the value of putting a…
In fast-evolving regulatory environments, financial institutions face the uphill tasks of regulatory compliance and reporting—as failure attracts…
The mutual fund industry has seen rapid growth in recent years. The rise of middle-class and the changing investment mindsets helped this trend…
The digital disruption we are witnessing today has changed the business landscape for industries across the board. The world is moving online, a…
In the business world today, customer engagement mandates creating emotions associated with real-life situations. Rapid changes and innovations…
Personalization has always been a way of retaining good customers and generating more revenues for any viable business. At the same time, person…
For insurance organizations, staying ahead of the curve in a highly competitive and dynamic environment is critical. As digitalization expands,…
Internet of Things or IoT, as we call it, is changing the way we lead our lives. Tiny devices that can get embedded anywhere, whether it’s your…
Customers want their banks to perform like non-financial web services in how they gather and use data for personalization. However, financial in…
Insurance is a dynamic industry, with evolving customer demands, increasing competition, ever changing regulatory controls, and technological ad…
What is the impact of emerging technologies on investment advisors? The answer lies in the growth of advisor portals. Enterprises have started t…
The insurance landscape is evolving rapidly and is fraught with challenges. Insurance providers are required to deliver swift, effortless engagem…
Customers’ expectations for convenience and personalization increase every day. Mobile technology and digital solutions have changed the average…
For insurance organizations that work with legacy systems, the key to meeting today's market challenges lies in moving to flexible, distributed p…
How do mutual funds and financial services companies ensure delivery essentials of completeness, security, timeliness, responsiveness, consistenc…
How do investment firms ensure they are more in touch and engaged with their clients? How do they ensure that they have empowered advisors who de…
The worldwide industry is embracing cognitive computing to embed native intelligence into digital solutions and the insurance sector is right at…
It’s a common adage in the industry that to be successful as a wealth advisor, it helps to have wealthy clients. And having wealthy clients take…
Blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize the way the insurance industry operates. While this distributed ledger technology has s…
Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies have rewritten how businesses are run in the digital economy as digital has become the default method…
In an interview with Dr. Sanjay Joshi , Gautam Samanta - Head of BFS at NIIT Technologies, talks about some of the key industry trends, the mete…
Back in the eighties when I first entered the Lloyd’s insurance market, underwriting discipline simply meant doing exactly what the underwriter…
Digital technology will drive the growth of financial management industry and even high-net-worth individuals are not unknown to this fact. It i…
Over the past five or so years, personal wealth management has morphed into a new industry. In part, this transformation has resulted from new t…