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Nicolas Michellod has 15+ years of experience in the financial industry. His research concentrates on continental European insurance markets with a specific focus on France and insurance systems including life policy administration, document automation, and risk management systems. When Nicolas is not busy helping his clients, you'll find him playing the guitar and spending time with his family.
Where are you from originally / Where did you grow up?
I grew up in the Swiss Alps between the Matterhorn and the Geneva lake in a little village called Saillon.
Where do you currently reside?
I live in Fribourg, a beautiful medieval city just 20 minutes by train south of Bern the capital city of Switzerland. Fribourg is the capital city of the canton with the same name and also the homeland of the world famous cheese Gruyère and of course of the not less famous fondue Vacherin.
What is your favorite city/place you’ve traveled?
I loved everywhere I lived especially Edinburgh, Scotland and Vienna, Austria. Now I have to be honest I prefer the countryside to big cities. I particularly enjoy France and its diverse landscapes from the bay of Somme, to the Loire region, the French Atlantic coast and the Alps. Show me a charming village with lots of history and tradition and a beautiful river to fly-fish, and I'll be a happy man.
Favorite Animal (if you have one)
We don't have any pet but my favorite one is definitely the cat. Actually, I think they know it because two of my neighbor's cats very often come to my place and stay overnight.
Favorite Hobby?
I like reading and especially history books with focus on French history. I also like watching movies with a preference for French and Italian movies and the 60s-90s period. Beside literature and cinema, I enjoy tying my own fly to fish in summer and play golf. To keep in shape I regularly run and play football with some seniors once or twice a week. Of course I like discovering new regions and countries via regular travels. Finally I have been learning to play the acoustic guitar for the past four years. Overall if I can mix one or all of these hobbies with my wife and kids that makes my time still more enjoyable and fun.
Favorite Band / Music / Song?
I am very eclectic when it comes to music. I like classical music, and I had the chance to regularly go to the opera house when living in Vienna. My preferred one is Le Nozze di Figaro. Beside classical music and opera, I like listening to French songs with a preference for old singers such as Jacques Brel and Leo Ferré. As a guitar player, I like some great performers such as Eric Clapton and Johnny Cash.
Favorite Food Dish?
More than the dish itself what makes food great is the place where and the people you share your time with around a table. If I had to choose a moment involving a dish, I would say a raclette made on wood fire in a chalet in the Alps, on a summer evening with my wife and kids.
how did you become an analyst?
I came to the work I do now randomly to be honest. I have followed my aspirations and ended up working in the insurance industry and managing some projects involving technology. Sometimes you end up doing things without really choosing them. Overall I feel I have been lucky to always find interesting things to do and more importantly great people to work with.
I try to be informed and have a critical opinion about our industry and the technology environment. I think the best way to help our insurance clients is to understand the value that can be derived from technology and avoid being fooled by buzzwords that very often arise: facts and reality are what I want to focus on versus promise and hype.
I like when I am able to demonstrate that what is taken for granted is not necessarily good. For instance, what is good for customers is not necessarily good for insurers. This is more complex than that.