アナリストのご紹介: ウィル・トラウト
William Trout is always interested in new ideas, he's focused on technology, probably due to the obvious (and ever-increasing) power of technology in realizing these ideas. When he's not making sense of disparate and unrelated events, i.e. connect the proverbial dots, you'll find Will practicing the piano, preparing for his next 10K, and coming up with his new milestone goal.
Where do you call home?
I grew up in Boston. I recently moved to Houston from the UK.
Where is your favorite city or place you’ve traveled?
St. Petersburg, Russia. No place epitomizes the divide (architectural, cultural, social) between East and West like this city.
Do you have a favorite animal? ?
I don't have a favorite animal. But I do have two cats and 1 dog.
Favorite Hobby?
Reading 20th-century history/politics/philosophy and the associated process of collecting obscure and long out of print books (the Internet helps a lot with this!)
Favorite Song / Band?
“Dayvan Cowboy” by the band Boards of Canada (who are actually from Scotland ;)
Favorite Food/ Dish?
Satsivi: Georgian Chicken with Walnut Sauce. Chicken is marinated overnight in lemon juice and tarragon and then grilled.
Any recent accomplishments you're most proud of?
I decided to take up running and piano in my late 40s, and accomplished my desired milestones around each within two years: running a half-marathon (actually twice) and playing in a recital in front of an audience. Both of these activities are now somewhat on hold but I will take them both up again at some point. Clearly, there is something to achieving a goal!
What do you enjoy about your work?
Having a client say to me (in an unguarded moment), “You are easy to talk to” had a tremendous amount of meaning to me. Because what might have seemed like a throwaway comment on my demeanor was to me an affirmation of my approach to helping the client; it underscored the importance of being able to listen, to demonstrate empathy and concern for the client’s predicament, and to take a diagnostic approach (rather than serving up a canned solution) to addressing the challenge facing the client.
What are you looking forward to?
Even in a rapidly evolving landscape, it’s fair to ask, “Is there really anything new under the sun?” Of course, new technologies do emerge, and with those innovative technologies comes disruption. But the ideas behind this innovation, e.g., efficiency, automation, service for the client, remain constant.