
Can Technology Enable a P&C Industry Transition to More Variable Costs?

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The role of AI and Gen AI


This report makes the assumption that the battle for rate adequacy will be won in a foreseeable future. And when that happens:

  • In the short run, declining losses will lead to stronger underwriting results.
  • Over time, however, regulatory and competitive pressure responding to lower losses will lead to lower premiums.
  • Then what should insurers, facing an extended period of lower premiums, do to achieve longer-term success?

The report identifies four areas in which expenses may be reduced:

  1. Underwriting and underwriting portfolio management
  2. Policyholder service
  3. Internal claims staff
  4. Information technology (IT)

The report concludes that:

  • A transition to more variable costs will require organizational agility.
  • In the transition, maintaining existing areas of competence will be fairly straightforward, while maintaining competitive edges built over years may be more of a challenge.
  • Reducing staff may be straightforward, but maintaining long-standing relationships could be more of a challenge.