Celent a top blog for bank marketers
Dan Latimore
There are all sorts of blogs covering various aspects of financial technology. One in particular covers financial services marketing: The Financial Brand (http://thefinancialbrand.com)
Given that marketing is just one part of what Celent covers in the banking technology space, I'm extremely pleased and honored to say that The Financial Brand has just selected Celent's banking blog as one of the top twenty blogs for financial marketers. Here's what they had to say about us: Yet another blog in the top 20 from a data research/analytics firm. These guys post frequently — roughly 3-5 posts every week — so they are able to cover a wider range of topics than the occasional blogger (e.g., core data processing, technology and “disruptive innovation”). But there is so much solid material coming from the Celent team that financial marketers are sure to run across posts that interest them. You can read the whole post here: http://thefinancialbrand.com/33855/top-20-best-bank-marketing-blogs/ It contains some great insights for bank marketers.
Congratulations Celent!