
The Best News About RDC in a Long While

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  • Thanks Bob for your continued insight in to our industry!

  • Bob - Super report, as always. mRDC's success, and RDC generally is greatly attributable to the fact that value is experienced both by the FI, and the account-holder. Solutions that reduce cost and add value to every party in the transaction stream will always be winners.

    We've come a long way from the days of signature verification!

  • Appreciate your thoughts, guys. There's abundent evidence from the survey that the industry has turned the corner on RDC risk, taking more reasoned approach. While I'm encouraged to see banks focusing more on customer value, there remains a sizeable gap in utilization of available risk management tools.

    Scott Carter, CMO at Mitek Systems offers a very well-articulated position on the topic here: http://www.miteksystems.com/blog/01/07/14/mobility-data-and-analytics-changing-the-way-we-think-about-deposits-and-channel-risk