
The Changing Face of RDC

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  • Bob,

    Great insight. For more than a year now, I've been telling my audiences that the "direct to merchant" (or, in your case, direct to church) channel is the biggest threat to customer relationships. Bankers seem to be OK with conceding channel after channel to other providers, not realizing they are going to be left with only the expense side of processing transactions, not the fees! I'm working on a new RDC article right now that talks about this. The key here is the customers WANT the remote capture technology, but banks aren't willing to provide it. Acceptance of this product is high, but banks can't seem to translate that into action!

  • The Servant Keeper deal could be the tip of a big iceberg. Heartland has an aggressive growth plan for dominating check management, from RDC to recovery and collections, in small and medium sized businesses throughout the U.S. Because their all-in-one solution is entirely web based (provided by transmodus.net), it can be integrated into any accounting software system. Heartland is currently working similar software partnerships in several vertical markets, including 212 Topps for property management. What's more, small and medium sized banks can utilize the Heartland system for complete, privately labeled check management and roll it out to their customers in a fraction of the time and cost as their purchased or leased software RDC systems, while at the same time realizing multiple recurring revenue points. Several banks have already signed up, including First Southern of Florida. transmodus has created an all inclusive, web-based check and ACH management system and partnered with Heartland in a union that could threaten not just small and medium sized banks, but larger ones as well. Meara's article is beautifully understated; as the neutrality of the system and the ease of its browser-based implementation spurs adoption from businesses (in reverse fashion) back to depositing institutions, large or small, the percentage of 'threatened' respondees to his survey will increase, and quite rapidly. To me, this is a classic example of a basic business banking function that could be replaced by a new model.