
The rise and fall (and rise) of Artificial Intelligence

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  • Great blog topic! I think we love AI and even the idea of it learning, thinking and feeling as long as those thoughts and ideas benefit us or make our lives easier, more convenient. The problem arises when my self-driving car goes all Skynet on me and refuses to take me to the movie theater, instead insisting I need a workout and dropping me at the gym. Seriously, the liability questions are most of what is holding technology back in this area, but will it be a good thing or a bad thing when such obstacles are overcome?

  • I wouldn't necessarily say that there was a "fall" per se, at least in one area. I've been actively involved in the development of Experts Systems for 24 years (in the insurance industry for over 20) and it has been growing, for the most part, the entire time I've been involved with it. It just happens to have been "re-marketed" as "Business Rules Engines" or "Business Rule Management Systems".

    On the other hand, I've seen some spikes in interest in Neural Networks, but haven't really seen much on that front for some time (at least 10 years).

  • For that we would have to define good and bad. Potentially: fewer professionals in the industry, lower cost players, better service at lower cost - it's good for some but not all.