ビデオ:INSURETECH CONNECT ASIA 2024におけるセレント主催のパネルディスカッション
Empowering Resilient Analytics and AI/ML and Driving Transformation for Future Success
ITC Asia is the region’s largest insurance event - offering unparalleled access to the most comprehensive and global gathering of insurance industry incumbents, tech entrepreneurs and investors.
Over the course of three days, the industry convened to share their insights and trends in the insurance market, learn how to increase productivity and reduce costs through innovation and digital transformation. Before the conference kicked off, we hosted our preconference session Empowering Resilient Analytics and AI/ML and Driving Transformation for Future Success where our analysts Max Ang and Nicolas Michellod moderated two panels with industry experts on top trends in the insurance industry.
Watch our teaser below for an inside look into what was discussed during our panels.
If you'd like to watch the full panels for yourself, register or sign in to your Celent account to access the full videos.