
A bank's low hanging fruit

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  • I could not agree more. The action of decreasing staff is a short term solution to a longer term problem. The rehiring and retraining of staff when the economy does pick up will offset much of the savings gained with a staff reduction. Maximizing existing technology in areas such as managed print (multifunction devices managed centrally and networked) for the long term can result in a 10 - 30% cost reduction off the top. It’s hard to believe that so many companies are still allowing employees to have dedicated printers in cubes and offices when the technology has been available [to centralize these outputs for maximized spend] for so many years. The extra added bonus is in the ability to reduce a firm’s carbon footprint when the solution includes the reduction of devices. Food for thought when Green initiatives are popping up everywhere as more mandatory than “nice to have” these days….and think about the health benefits of walking back and forth to the printer instead of reaching under your desk!