
Snap Poll of Life and PC Insurers on Loyalty Surveys

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Available Only for Members of the NA Celent Insurance Research Panel


Snap polls reflect questions asked by members of the Celent Research Panel, a group of C level executives at insurers. This snap poll was fielded September 29. 45 insurers representing both life and PC insurance companies responded. The question that was posed was:

• Which of the following types of loyalty surveys does your company conduct among its customers?

–Relationship loyalty surveys – surveys that measure customer loyalty based on their general relationship with the company. These surveys are typically administered on a regular basis, such as quarterly or once a year.

–Transactional loyalty surveys – surveys that measure customer loyalty based on their experiences with specific transactions, events, or interactions with the company. These surveys are typically administered following the transaction, event, or interaction.

–Other (specify)

–None of the above

• What key metrics does your company capture in its surveys?

–Transactional Net Promoter Score (tNPS) (if you use transactional loyalty surveys)

–Net Promoter Score (NPS)

–Customer Satisfaction (cSAT)

–Customer Effort Score (CES)

–Other (describe)

• What audiences does your company include in its surveys?




–Other (describe)

• Who is responsible for the management of your programs?

–Customer Experience (CX)

–Market Research

–Other (describe)

About Celent’s Research Panel

The Celent Research Panel is a free knowledge sharing resource for senior technology and operations executives at insurers in North America.It provides an easy way for executives to share information, obtain quantitative data, and learn from each otherthrough regular ongoing surveys, snap polls, round tables, and webinars.If you are interested in joining the Celent research panel, you can reach out to Karlyn Carnahan kcarnahan@celent.comor Dan McCoach dmccoach@celent.com