Rearchitecting with Cloud and Automation
Capital markets institutions have traditionally devoted the bulk of their mind and wallet share on front office revenue-generating activities. Post-trade operations have been overlooked – they are still mired in legacy systems and siloed operations at many firms, making it a critical source of inefficiency and operational risk.
As discussed in the report Rearchitecting and Simplifying Post-Trade Operations, which was commissioned by Torstone Technology and conducted solely by Celent, there is a drastic shift taking place in attitude and approach to operational transformation among capital markets firms in the last 18–24 months. They are moving away from managing anything in-house that is not a competitive differentiator, and post-trade is a prime target in this regard.
Rapid growth in electronification of trading in many asset classes will necessitate automated workflows in the post-trade arena. Even in core equities, there is a need for automation levels to be improved, and error and exception handling processes to be made more efficient.
Simplifying the complexities in post-trade and improving automation levels will require modernizing back-office systems with new technology based on the latest standards and frameworks. In that pursuit, firms are turning to cloud solutions which offer low cost of testing and deployment and fast time to market and help in responding to constant changes in a flexible and agile manner. The benefits of agility, elasticity, cost-efficiency, time to market, and on-demand provisioning have started to outweigh the concerns firms had about cloud, and cloud is making rapid in-roads in post-trade operations in capital markets. Cloud is also creating an ecosystem of innovative solutions with strong network effects that allow firms to easily adopt best-in-class solutions and integrate with internal systems.
In an upcoming webinar to be held on Thursday, January 31, 2019, Celent and Torstone Technology will discuss key findings from the research report, and highlight how new technology and operating models can help capital markets firms streamline post-trade operations.