
DIMENSIONS: 2024年–2029年 リテールバンキングにおけるテクノロジー別IT支出

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2024 Edition

Key research questions

  • How will technology spend by retail banks evolve globally over the next five years?
  • What will be the impact of cloud on infrastructure and application IT spending?
  • Which regions will see strongest IT spending growth?


To help clients navigate challenges facing the industry, Celent has updated its IT spending forecast model based on recent primary insights from business and technology industry leaders from its Dimensions survey program.

This report, Dimensions: Retail Banking IT Spending Forecasts by Technology 2024–2029, provides insights into driving IT allocations and expected growth across technology areas within retail banking, examining global and regional allocation growth trends. This 2024 edition updates the previous forecast published in September 2023, reflecting latest industry environment and outlook, and new primary insight from Celent's Dimension program.

IT spending in this report is analyzed by technology area, with new granularity for 2024 breaking down global spending by technology area and type. This includes the following segmentation:

  • Applications—software licence and maintenance fees
  • Cloud—IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS
  • Internal—IT management, applications, and infrastructure
  • Infrastructure—data center and network, and end-user computing
  • Services—professional services, infrastructure services, applications services
  • Other—premises, facilities, and overhead costs