
Can the Huffington Post persuade consumers to sever their relationships with large banks?

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  • [...] Celent Banking Blog: Can the Huffington Post persuade consumers to sever their relationships with large banks? [...]

  • I'm a consumer writer, and I think the campaign to move money to smaller community banks is a good one. I use credit unions, and I encourage my readers to do so, too.

    As for banks using the Internet and social media to "pass along powerful messages to the public," please don't bother. Banks have done enough to rip apart America; the devastation they've caused for American families is incredible. The economy nearly collapses due to greedy and risky practices. Then banks up credit card rates and fees to make piles of money so they can pay themselves big bonuses again.

    The best thing banks could is treat consumers like humans not cattle.

    Rita blogging at The Survive and Thrive Boomer Guide