
Celent's anti-money laundering vendor report: 2009 update

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Celent have reviewed this profile and believe it to be accurate.
We are waiting for the vendor to publish their solution profile. Contact us or request the RFX.
Projects allow you to export Registered Vendor details and survey responses for analysis outside of Marsh CND. Please refer to the Marsh CND User Guide for detailed instructions.
Download Registered Vendor Survey responses as PDF
Contact vendor directly with specific questions (ie. pricing, capacity, etc)


  • Hi,

    Just wondering if evaluating Enterprise Risk Management Solutions means you will no longer have a seperate report for Watchlist Management Solutions ?



  • will the report also cover the most frequently used SI's for AML?

  • Hello has the 2009 report been published yet?

  • @kathy
    No, the report is in production now and we expect to publish it this quarter

  • Hi, when likely is the expected release date of this Report?

  • pl intimate on release of the Risk Management and compliance , fraud detection, surveiliance trend and vendor report

  • Hi, just wondering if there had been any update on this report. Has it been published yet? And if not, is there a revised publishing date?

  • Also looking to see if this report is available yet

  • Is this report available ?

  • We do not profile the SIs per se, but list them as implementation partners of the various AML vendors.

  • We expect to start publishing this report series soon--we're including over 40 vendors this time, in four separate reports, so it's a bit of a production to get it out compared to our last report in 2006.

  • Could you please advise if the report is out now, as well as its cost for a non-member? Is it for US Markets-only or Europe is included?

  • Thank you for your question. The 2003 and 2006 editions of the report included watchlist solutions within the same report, actually. This time, we may break out the watchlist solutions in a separate report, for the first time.