Achieving a single client view across the enterprise
This paper examines the urgent need for enhanced client data management; the importance of creating an enterprise-wide consolidated view of all customer relationships and explores why these business requirements have only recently reached the Board agenda.
Authored by Ben Marsh, CEO iMeta, with guest contributions from JDX Consulting – a leading UK financial services consultancy, it lays bare the challenges financial institutions face when trying to create a consolidated picture of every client relationship they hold. And it questions why this remains such an enigma; particularly when the industry is under immense pressure to transform the way it conducts its business operations.
The paper reviews the implications of increasing regulatory demands; addresses the diverse needs of both the modern customer and workforce; assesses the impact of emerging competition and the consequences of continued dependence on outdated working practices and aged legacy systems.
Fresh thinking has also been shared on what improvements can be made to positively affect a firm’s approach to critical client data.