We are happy to offer you the webinar "Portfolio Hedge Accounting - the perennial favorite". Although the IASB updated hedge accounting regulations in the new IFRS 9 with the publication of the regulations on general hedge accounting, the Board still owes the user a revision of the portfolio hedge approach. As a result, the regulations of IAS 39 regarding portfolio hedge accounting remain even more applicable.
Especially as a result of its structured and highly automatable approach and its proximity to economic management, the portfolio of fair value hedge accounting remains the first choice of banks for the presentation of control measures with interest rate derivatives for fixed interest products.
Adjustments in the interest rate management strategy, triggered among other things by the current low-interest phase or strategic realignment of banks, are concrete examples of why banks are still opting for the portfolio hedge approach in order to control undesired volatility in the IFRS income statement.
zeb will give you an overview of selected current challenges:
- Current status with regard to the applicability of IAS 39 Porfolio Hedge Accounting and the Succession Plan (Dynamic Risk Management)
- Benefits of portfolio fair value hedge accounting and user benefits
- Presentation of the procedure in portfolio hedge accounting and explanation of the Mechanics for minimizing unwanted P&L volatilities
- Experience and best practices from implementation and operation
zeb provides a comprehensive overview of the topic and shares best practice approaches from our many years of experience in the field of portfolio fair value hedges. In doing so we present approaches using zeb.control.accounting - Hedge.Engine, which has already proven itself in many companies to be a fast-paced and cost-efficient solution for managing P&L volatilities.
You can easily log in to the webinar online from your workplace or home and directly ask questions or exchange ideas with the other participants. You can sign up for the webinar at https://control.zeb.de/news/webinar-hedge-accounting-de-290519.