The conference brings together over 300 operations, technology, and regulatory leaders for three days of thought-provoking discussions and the sharing of cutting-edge information on trends impacting the digital transformation of capital markets. With capital markets continuing to evolve through the adoption of innovative technologies, regulatory change, and a shifting risk landscape, our conference provides a unique opportunity to gain insights and engage with a wide range of senior market participants driving this digital transformation.
The theme for this year’s conference is ‘New opportunities as the digital and policy agenda matures’. As the digital agenda is now evolving, this has exposed new opportunities and a maturing policy framework. Addressing these priorities together whilst meeting national, regional, and global requirements will be essential to ensure that the collaborative, and strategic approach to digital transformation continues. Hearing from senior keynote speakers, and plenary panellists, the conference will cover a wide range of pivotal topics such as digital operational resilience, the growing focus of digital assets, the EU agenda for open data, and the fundamental role of cloud computing.
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