
Investment Advisor Systems

VendorMatch Directory

Find investment advisor and relationship manager systems and solutions listed in our vendor directory. Use our research platform to evaluate advisory investment software for private banks, wealth managers and family offices with analysis of key features and functions to support client relationship managers that focus on the portfolio positions, allocation, performance including pitch-books, client meeting packs, etc.
  • A Client Centric Advisory Process Objectway Platform is the digital end-to-end solution for banks, wealth managers, asset managers and their inv…
  • Technology-savvy millennial investors are increasingly expecting a digital experience at every touch point from investment managers. Investors w…
  • Professional yet personal Our Prospero Suite solution for family investment offices and Independent Asset Managers has been designed with the ai…
  • New Access Digital CLM Solution covers the full workflow and value chain for both the Banker and the FInal Client. It encompasses two interconne…
  • The Tercero Software Platform is a new generation of front, middle and back office wealth management software, fully integrated all driven from …
  • Digital wealth management platform delivering flexible and customisable online experiences, processed straight through to the back office Engagi…
  • Blaze Portfolio is a web-based portfolio modeling and trade order management solution for investment advisory, wealth management, trust, and mul…
  • Our modules can cover the lifecycle of a client portfolio from suitability assessment, through initial portfolio build and proposal to ongoing m…
  • We work with our clients by providing them with the informational data needed to make a well-rounded and verified investment decision. Our opera…
  • Comarch Wealth Management is a multi-module platform dedicated to banks, wealth managers and investment companies to support wealth management p…
  • Equisoft/Analyze for wholesalers A sales acceleration platform featuring guided investment product positioning and analytics. Analyze for Wholes…
  • Equisoft/plan is a market-leading SaaS solution for investment and insurance advisors dedicated in completing a strong financial plan for their…
  • Equisoft/Analyze for advisors A comprehensive asset allocation and wealth analysis tool. Analyze for Advisors offers an interactive, configurabl…
  • Engage. Retain. Deliver. Transforming client engagement for wealth managers and private banks. Focus:wealth simplifies, streamlines and automate…
  • mnAI allows Investors, Analysts and Private Equity companies to improve productivity and enhance operations. By using billions of data points on…
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