
Financial Enterprise Risk Management

VendorMatch Directory

  • Axioma Risk is an enterprise-wide risk-management system that enables clients to obtain timely, consistent and comparable views of risk across t…
  • Oneview Asset Management is a cross-asset real-time risk and portfolio management solution for asset managers designed to provide institutional…
  • TrustCloud's Vault is a cutting-edge digital storage solution designed to securely preserve and seal digital assets and evidence collected durin…
  • axeOmnichannel is the combination of ACP Business Services designed around the four building blocks wACP, MyACP, mACP & pACP. This module offers…
  • Q.Refinery uses artificial intelligence to accurately cleanse and curate a bank’s raw customer transaction data, building up thousands of attrib…
  • Clari5 knows that every banking customer is unique and provides the ability to offer individualized customer experience across all channels and…
  • Building a high-quality loan portfolio is critical to banking. The process starts at loan origination and continues throughout the loan term. Cl…
  • The global payments industry is experiencing major shifts with successive disruptive innovations coupled with the ever-rising consumer demand fo…
  • Clari5 compiles a comprehensive history of every account, and then provides the data, reports, and dashboards to allow loan departments to quick…
  • The growing menace of account takeovers and identity thefts are severely impacting the safety of online banking transactions. Combating such fra…
  • Given the slackening pace of growth preceded by a spike in quantitative easing and flush liquidity in many countries, corporate borrowers have b…
  • Payment Cards (Debit, Credit and Prepaid) have raised the levels of convenience for customers. However, the convenience also comes with a high p…
  • Core banking is one of the most important channels for banking since the bulk of high-value transactions pass through it. In spite of its vulner…
  • Cross-channel frauds pose the biggest threat to banks that use traditional silo-based fraud management systems. Countering cross-channel frauds…
  • The growing prevalence of internal fraud has mandated use of technology solutions to counter such instances. The need of the hour is a comprehen…
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