
Anti-Money Laundering Suites

VendorMatch Directory

Find Anti-Money Laundering systems and solutions listed on our vendor directory. Use our research platform for AML software evaluation with analysis and comparison of key functionality required by banks and other financial services institutions to support KYC, PEP & FATCA compliance.
  • Clari5 Real-time AML solution helps banks and financial institutions automate, streamline and comply with existing and emerging regulatory AML/C…
  • The global payments industry is experiencing major shifts with successive disruptive innovations coupled with the ever-rising consumer demand fo…
  • Clari5 compiles a comprehensive history of every account, and then provides the data, reports, and dashboards to allow loan departments to quick…
  • The growing menace of account takeovers and identity thefts are severely impacting the safety of online banking transactions. Combating such fra…
  • Given the slackening pace of growth preceded by a spike in quantitative easing and flush liquidity in many countries, corporate borrowers have b…
  • Payment Cards (Debit, Credit and Prepaid) have raised the levels of convenience for customers. However, the convenience also comes with a high p…
  • Core banking is one of the most important channels for banking since the bulk of high-value transactions pass through it. In spite of its vulner…
  • Cross-channel frauds pose the biggest threat to banks that use traditional silo-based fraud management systems. Countering cross-channel frauds…
  • The growing prevalence of internal fraud has mandated use of technology solutions to counter such instances. The need of the hour is a comprehen…
  • We provide complete end-to-end processing of loans and deposits, encompassing : First charge residential and buy-to-let mortgages, second char…
  • Clari5 Enterprise Fraud Management Solution is a real-time solution that synchronizes and synthesizes contextual insights from across all of the…
  • Clari5 provides Financial Institutions a complete lifecycle assessment and re-assessment of customer risk as part of know your customer (KYC) ap…
  • smartEYE is a real-time, continuous global adverse media alerting solution that watches all of your third-party relationships, 24/7. smartEYE i…
  • Scorechain Blockchain Analytics is a suite of Anti-Money Laundering solution. It enables customers to track and score cryptocurrency addresses,…
  • BankPlus is egabiFSI's core banking solution that is designed and built with the latest technologies, offering banks and financial institutions…
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AML business requirements are supported as follows:

  • Customer identity management checks clients against various watch lists as part of Know your customer (KYC) requirements.
  • Transaction monitoring systems, focus identifying and alerting managers to suspicious transactions.
  • Investigations management and Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) or Suspicious Transaction Reports (STRs).
  • Currency Transaction Reporting (CTR) systems, which deal with large cash transaction reporting
  • GRC compliance CRM software to help firms comply holistically with regulation including with AML regs.

Key functional areas covered in the guid:

  • Access CIP and other demographic information
  • Alert ranking
  • Alerts
  • Auto add false positives to white list
  • Automated business rules
  • Behaviour profiling
  • Constrain scenarios by any data attribute
  • Customer risk scoring
  • Detects trend suggesting suspicious behaviour
  • Entity link analysis
  • Factor histories
  • False Positive Reduction
  • Filter tolerance controls to reduce false positives
  • Flexible suppression
  • Investigators work queue
  • Manual override
  • Multiple scenarios / database scan
  • Past trends analysis
  • Peer group analysis
  • Penalties management
  • Predictive modes
  • Rapid access to customer, account and transaction data
  • Recovery and resolution management
  • Review triggering transactions
  • Scenarios and risk factors applied to transactions to detect suspicious activity
  • Schema for preparing data analysis
  • Scores suspicious clients
  • Supports multiple data types
  • Watch list screening
  • Watchlist Data
  • AML Optimization
  • Case management
  • Data management
  • Investigation and alert management
  • Suspicious activity monitoring
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