Key Features
Salerio is built to provide users with full control of trade data in order to manage and mitigate settlement risk. Its central exceptions management hub delivers mission critical capabilities – managing trade processing quickly, accurately and efficiently.
Irrespective of asset class, all exceptions are displayed within the same user interface, removing the need for multiple systems or workstations. Salerio integrates seamlessly with multiple industry utilities, such as the SWIFT network and the DTCC’s matching and settlement utilities e.g. CTM. Salerio is therefore able to efficiently manage the trade lifecycle and all processing exceptions across multiple asset classes, including equities, fixed income, foreign exchange and money markets.
Key Benefits
Trade confirmation
Salerio interfaces seamlessly with all Omgeo products and SWIFT to allow any exceptions that may arise in the trade confirmation process to be managed effectively from its central hub. By combining all exceptions into this consolidated view, Salerio provides a truly global solution for trade confirmation across multiple asset classes.
Trade settlement
Salerio generates settlement instructions in SWIFT, email and fax formats. It validates all instructions against the received Standard Settlement Instructions (SSI) via a locally stored database of broker SSI. This approach ensures accuracy is achieved every time, which in turn reduces settlement risk significantly.
Trade tracking
Salerio tracks settlement status updates sent by global custodians via SWIFT or other formats. This provides users with a real time view of all pre-settlement and failed trade issues. Users are then able to track failed trade and partial settlements effectively, thereby greatly reducing the risk of market buy-ins and interest claims.