Apart from Risk Assessment, Shufti Pro also offers KYC compliant services consisting of Document and Identity Verification. Banks, payment processors, ICOs/STOs, and service providers can use Shufti Pro's platform to verify identities of onboarding users or potential customers. It uses latest template matching, OCR, AI, HI and Machine Learning technologies to verify a multitude of ID documents to check for accuracy and originality. It can also ensure validity of accurate Addresses to prevent false chargebacks by verifying Bank Statements, Utility Bills and such.

In cases of remote user authentication, Shufti Pro uses latest Face Biometrics and Liveness Detection technology to ensure remote presence of a User during the time of verification process and ensures reduction in false positives


Shufti Pro

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Shufti Pro is a Fraud Prevention solution built for customer due dilegence and risk assessment purposes. It is a RegTech provider which combines the use of Artificial Intelligence and Human Intelligence to reduce friction, cut costs, and ensure fraud and ID theft prevention in the online market place. Its helps organisations to comply with KYC, AML and CDD regulations.

The solution covers +1000 worldwide Sanctions and Watchlists, and Adverse Media to efficiently detect PEP's, Criminals and Financially At-Risk personnel accordng to standards set by FATF and FINCEN. It uses individuals' personal information and screen it against data sources to detect and connection. Any identified negative cases are restricted from entering into the system. As part of Enhanced Due Dilegence, individuals can also be assigned "High-Risk" status which perform ongoing monitoring. This ensures continuous risk assessment of individuals and reducing chances of any illegal acitivites.

Apart from Risk Assessment, Shufti Pro also offers KYC compliant services consisting of Document and Identity Verification. Banks, payment processors, ICOs/STOs, and service providers can use Shufti Pro's platform to verify identities of onboarding users or potential customers. It uses latest template matching, OCR, AI, HI and Machine Learning technologies to verify a multitude of ID documents to check for accuracy and originality. It can also ensure validity of accurate Addresses to prevent false chargebacks by verifying Bank Statements, Utility Bills and such.

In cases of remote user authentication, Shufti Pro uses latest Face Biometrics and Liveness Detection technology to ensure remote presence of a User during the time of verification process and ensures reduction in false positives

Key Features

60 Seconds Response Time

API, SDKs and Demo Application available on GitHub

+1000 Government IDs, Driving License(s), Passports and more

Multiple nature of data collection options

Key Benefits

Global Language and Country Coverage

Customisable technology to meet global compliances

OCR and 2FA Technology

Built-in Consent Management

