

Create a vendor selection project
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Chatbots are taking over social media marketing as they allow consumers to engage with them in terms of content consumption, customer service, and transactional engagements. Financial institutions are using Chatbots and voice bots to interact with customers and solve problems consistently and quickly before any human staff gets involved through text messaging or voice using a natural language, like English or Arabic.

Key Features

Lightweight, fully integrated, and value-add solution to organizations' existing customer interaction portals

Deployment capability across multi-channels

Easily deployed and maintained

Easily maintained keyword dictionary with flexible combination configuration of keyword monitoring and detection

Highly secure yet flexible deployment & customer routing options

Full parameterization control of all business areas

Key Benefits

Reduce inquiry/response time (up to 90% increase in ART )

Increased customer satisfaction (up to 50%)

Higher cross-selling and up-selling opportunities