Decision to execution. All in one place. In today’s warp-speed world of electronic trading, Advent’s Moxy trade order management system is your firm’s command and control center – a centralized platform for making and executing trading decisions quickly and confidently. With tools for portfolio modeling, rebalancing and drift analysis that feed directly into trade creation, Moxy streamlines your trading workflow while giving you control and visibility across the entire process, from asset allocation through settlement.
Key Features
- Support for advanced asset allocation methodologies and complex structures - Portfolio drift monitoring and alerts - Real-time dashboard views of trading data and cash positions - Comprehensive security coverage, including equities, fixed income, global and derivatives - Multi-currency trading and settlement - FIX connectivity with multiple custodians and trading venues, including major algorithmic trading partners and dark pools - Trading compliance functionality - Integration with Advent portfolio management platforms as well as third-party systems - Technology partner network to extend capabilities
Key Benefits
- Achieve greater accuracy, speed and efficiency - Create and manage complex asset allocation strategies - Streamline trading workflow and eliminate gaps between trade decision and execution - Avoid trade breaks with visibility all the way through settlement - Keep portfolios in line with stated objectives with drift analysis - Confidently manage escalating trading volumes, a growing range of instruments and multiple trading venues