
axe Corporate Lending

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axe Corporate Lending brings powerful functionality to financial institutions and is designed to more effectively automate and manage the credit risk management chain and follow up processes.

axe Corporate Lending boost lending business performance through handling higher volumes of funded and unfunded products with improved speed and lower risk.

Key Features

axe Corporate Lending solution streamlines the whole credit lifecycle from client onboarding to facility sanctioning, all the way through origination, appraisal, rating, approval, credit administration, and covenant monitoring.

Main Features:

  • KYC & Client Onboarding
  • Origination
  • Credit & Risk Analysis and Write-up
  • Approval Processes & Delegation of Authority
  • Risk-Based Pricing
  • Facility Risk Rating
  • Obligor Risk Rating
  • PD & LGD
  • Credit Admin and Documentation
  • Facility Sanctioning
  • Covenant Management & Monitoring
  • Limit Activation

Key Benefits

Boost your Lending Business Performance :

  • Gain a competitive advantage through enhanced customer service & response time
  • Attracting new customers and retaining existing ones
  • Decrease time to market of new products and rapidly implement changes to loan application and approval procedures
  • Benefit from a highly competitive total cost of ownership

Monitor and Manage risk to identify bottlenecks :

  • Benefit from enterprise-wide risk reporting of credit related activity from an executive level to branches for wiser strategic decisions on the bank portfolio
  • Business Intelligence module to enhance overall control on all credit related statistics & processes
  • Accurately assess credits risk ratings and check regulatory compliance