ESKA General - P&C / General Insurance PAS
ESKA® General is a powerful digital system geared to strengthen every dimension of general insurance. Providing class-specific functions for insurance classes spanning motor, property, general accident, cargo &hull, engineering and aviation, ESKA General empowers you to craft and continuously refine a robust insurance enterprise for the twenty-first century.
ESKA General provides adaptable configurations and mobile features, giving you a flexible platform to convert innovative ideas into tangible fixtures in your operation. Replete with accelerated underwriting, risk assessment, reinsurance management and sales organization, ESKA General empowers you to deliver competitive products and drive reliable growth in an industry of evolving risks.
Key Features
- Multi-level product creation by class and policy type
- Pricing & payments configuration
- Accelerated quotation building
- Advanced underwriting
- Claims processing
- Sales network management
- Reinsurance administration
- Customer profile management
- Reporting & inquiry
- Notification and approval systems
- Takaful policy handling
Key Benefits
- Customize a number of insurance preferences, such as insurance class, pricing, policies, underwriting risks & more.
- Set up Wakalah or hybrid models for any insurance/investment scheme or customer pool.
- Calculate any payment rate and schedule for specific policies or policy types.
- Set attributes for each premium, including whether a premium is editable, discountable, formula-calculable, basic, active or linked to sum-insured.
- Maintain auditing and transactions histories for your insurance policies.
- Create customizable quotations and convert it to policies within a single or multiple insurance classes.
- Link any policy type you create with underwriting surveys/questionnaires.
- Import interests and their specifications.
- Implement different payment schemes for each insurance class according to types of accidents and losses.
- Retain and deploy policyholder information throughout your operation
- Seamlessly incorporate agents, brokers and bancassurance reps into your sales network.
- Configure commissions and bonus rates according to parameters you choose.
- Produce standardized charts and graphs to succinctly illustrate your information.