Linedata I-BOR, a proven, powerful engine that maintains and presents a complete and accurate view of positions and cash.
Linedata I-BOR maintains real-time security and cash positions and provides complete and accurate information for trading, risk and reporting systems. Data is aggregated from multiple source systems and presented as a single view for better-informed decision-making.
Key Features
Linedata I-BOR can be deployed in the way which best suits your organization. As business needs change, the deployment can be changed to meet them:
- Linedata Hosting: cost-effective access to Linedata I-BOR. Linedata hosts and administers the hardware and IT infrastructure, leaving the client free to run the system as if it was deployed in-house. Disaster recovery arrangements are included as standard.
- Linedata I-BOR In-house: A fully deployed solution for organisations that already have IT infrastructure in place, and prefer the whole system to be located at their own premises.
Key Benefits
Linedata I-BOR provides real-time position data, creating a single, consolidated view of your fund for trading, risk and reporting systems. It offers efficiency, lower risk, lower total cost of ownership and smarter decision-making intelligence
- Real-time security and cash positions maintained on an average cost or lot basis
- Transaction event life-cycle from unconfirmed, through confirmed to settled status
- Position management with automated capital events processing
- Security commitments maintained; for example on loan, used as collateral
- Pending orders and simulated trades supported
- Automated import from multiple sources throughout the working day
- Automated export of stock and cash positions at end-of-day, start-of-day and intraday points
- Positions by status or status breakdown for enquiry, report or export
- Valuation at any point in time, including re-stated historical valuations
- Seamless interfaces to market data vendors for reference, price and corporate action data
- Import of market data from in-house and external sources
- Workflow and exception management