Irix: Identfied Data Interpretation
If you underwrite individual life, long-term care, disability, or Medicare Supplement insurance policies, you won't want to miss anything that Irix insurtech product suite has to offer. The Irix Rule Engine instantly gathers and interprets vast amounts of real-time electronic data and delivers a decision on the spot—for faster, easier, more accurate risk assessment.
This fully automated rules engine will modernize your underwriting workflows, add newfound efficiencies, and ensure consistent decisions.
The Irix identified data interpretation suite of products includes:
Irix Risk Score (mortality and morbidity models)
Irix Datasets: Prescription Data, Medical Data, Credit Data, Criminal Data, Other (MVR, MIB, etc.)
Irix ReCheck
Key Features
Instant, real-time data aggregation and interpretation
ROI that’s been proven over and over again in retrospective studies
Custom calibration to your underwriting standards and risk thresholds
Color-coded risk mapping via user-friendly interface or integration with your underwriting platform
FCRA- and HIPAA-compliant
Key Benefits
Instant, real-time data aggregation and interpretation
Clinical and actuarially relevant interpretation of applicant electronic data
Fact-based smoker identification
Digital underwriting transformation
Fast decisions for direct-to-consumer distribution
Artificial intelligence, machine learning, predictive modeling for enhanced risk assessment
Better risk stratification and selection
Issue more policies/improve mortality outcomes/achieve business objectives
Protective value