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We focus on flexible and innovative insurance solutions. Our industry knowledge, technical skills and collaborative approach are key features of the Websure brand.

Websure has been serving the insurance community since the 1990s. Our work philosophy and detailed understanding of the marketplace mean we can support all parts of the insurance chain.

At Websure, we do far more than simply ask our clients what they want to achieve. We place ourselves at the centre of your business, immersing ourselves in your day-to-day operations and making recommendations based on a detailed and shrewd analysis of the challenges that you face. That’s why we are a business partner as well as a business platform.

Whatever your function and role, whether you’re a broker, carrier, captive or third-party supplier, we will seamlessly shape your IT systems to your business – not vice versa.

Our staff are almost entirely drawn from the insurance sector, and many have years of experience in complex and demanding roles. They bring this intimate knowledge and industry understanding to every project and every client.

Key Features

Websure is an Enterprise solution and can support all of your core insurance business activities centrally. We can also become a component part of your model technology solutions, integrating and interoperating with other services.

Insurers and Underwriters are seeking ever more powerful e-business solutions from technology providers.

Websure is the answer. We provide a scalable and flexible underwriting, risk management and claims management platform with full Rating and Document production. Websure can handle any class of business and coverage. We improve productivity and reduce overheads by automating the full business cycle, from quotation through to accounting. Moreover, Websure is ideal if you are running either multiple or single-entity models and can accommodate numerous locations.

Through our web and cloud based WebX portals, we can bring your business directly to your brokers, coverholders and end users. Our versatile product tools allow you to both administer and build your own products, ensuring independence and freedom. And you can distribute your products to a very wide trading community, connecting with direct online markets and creating new sales opportunities.

We provide a seamless business-to-business platform with all the product-building, administration, data processing and distribution tools at your fingertips. And, because we get to the heart of your business, you can be sure our solutions are perfectly matched to your needs.