Address Fabric Data is a comprehensive list of country addresses and their corresponding locations. This data is delivered as a file that can be opened in Pitney Bowes software, including MapInfo ProTM and SpectrumTM, loaded into a database or used in an analytics environment.
Each record contains the address, coordinate location and pbKeyTM, our unique and persistent ID that can be used for data management, exchange, GeoEnrichment and analytical modeling. With the pbKey, it’s possible to reference an address without storing the whole address string. Like a personal social security number or unique company identification number, the pbKey is definitive.
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Key Features
Comprehensive and accurate coverage from multiple national address location lists
Nationwide coverage
pbKey for fast and easy lookup
Available as a flat text file for flexibility in usage
Updated regularly to ensure the latest data
Coverage details
Coverage: United States and Canada
Release Schedule: Quarterly
Unit of Sale: Country
Key Benefits
Improve your business decisions, including:
Site selection
Market scoring
Finding new customers
Claims management
Aggregating location information by customized areas
Data Science Modeling
Delivers valuable insight about your customers, with address location information about:
Location Information (Latitude & Longitude)
Address information
Census Code Information (Optional in some countries)
Location quality indicator
The pbKeyTM
Within our Addressing Portfolio, each address record is associated with the best-known coordinate location and a unique identifier (the pbKeyTM). The pbKeyTM is persistent to each address location. It allows our customers to better manage address data internally and GeoEnrich address locations with descriptive information like demographics, risk and property attributes. It also makes it possible to exchange data between partners without sharing sensitive address information.