
axe Retail Lending

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axe Retail Lending provides benefits to all credit stakeholders: Relationship managers, credit risk analysts, risk managers… It enhances customer satisfaction, reduces time to market fully automating the loan processing from walk-in all the way through disbursement thanks to workflow and rule engine features.

Key Features

axe Retail Lending streamlines credit stakeholders tasks and capitalizes on their inputs, using one single collaborative solution running automated processes on one unique risk and credit data platform.

axe Retail Lending Main Features:

  • KYC & Client Onboarding Origination
  • Eligibility Engine
  • Financial Scoring
  • Behavioral Scoring
  • Product Based Scoring
  • Risk Based Pricing
  • Credit Analysis & Write-up
  • Credit Admin and Documentation
  • Disbursement

Key Benefits

axe Retail Lending helps boost your retail lending business performance and automate and effectively manage the end-to-end credit application life-cycle from the KYC stage through disbursement.

  • Reduce Turn Around Time (TAT)
  • Increase Collection Rate
  • Increase Origination Volume
  • Decrease Time to Market
  • Decrease write-offs
  • Increase Salesforce dedication to Business Development