
IVP Treasury

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IVP Treasury enables multi-strategy alternative and institutional asset managers to track, control, and optimize collateral, cash, and margin management with a unique combination of best-in-class analytics and data management.

Key Features

  • Integrates email communications between funds and counterparties with audit
  • Shows margin changes for a given position held by a particular broker on a day-to-day basis
  • Allows users to collapse positions boxed across various counterparties/strategies
  • Generates detailed position-level capital usage reports via long-short haircut rules
  • Maps corresponding operating and margin/cash accounts for creating cash flow instructions
  • Compares repo parameters and suggests how to move positions across counterparties

Key Benefits

  • Margin/Collateral tracking across Prime Brokers and Counterparties
  • Cash Forecasting and Projections
  • Comparison of counterparty data and accounting system data
  • Unencumbered cash analytics
  • Collateral and Positions Optimization
  • Wallet share analytics
  • Integrated counterparty and fund admin communications
  • Automated bookings for forwards and stops
  • Wire Transfers
  • Configurable Rules for Hedge Ratios, Currency Pairs, and Exposure



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