
Quote Comparison

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Automate and speed up the process of comparing quotes from carriers. Eliminate wasted hours and errors and during the binding process. Let Chisel AI automatically check critical elements in the quotes to understand which quote had the best coverages and pricing.

Quote Comparison enables brokers to dramatically reduce the time spent on manipulating data and comparing multiple quotes by automatically checking critical elements in up to ten carrier quotes at one time to quickly identify the best coverage and premiums for their customers. Chisel AI reduces the average spent on comparing quotes from minutes and hours to one second per policy. By deploying Chisel AI for quote comparison, brokers can spend more time on what they are good at - providing one-on-one advice to their customers.

Key Features

Automate and streamline the quote comparison process

On-screen comparison of up to 10 quotes at once

Intuitive, easy-to-use user interface

Multi-line comparisons

Easily pull data from email, Word, Excel, and PDF documents

Key Benefits

Quickly identify best coverages and pricing

Reduce errors during the binding process

Eliminate manual data entry and time spend manipulating spreadsheets

Accelerate customer response times

Deepen and nurture customer relationships

Increase sales capacity and improve overall productivity

Reduction in manual effort comparing quotes

Deliver an overall better customer experience



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