Solife is a comprehensive and best-of-breed Policy Administration System, designed by and for Insurers, upon a 20-year knowledge and practice of user experience.
Solife enables Pension and Insurance companies to manage end-to-end new businesses, entire policies and claims life cycles, with all required supporting features: collection & disbursement management, accounting feed, distribution and fees management, reinsurance, tax & legal, dedicated reporting, claims management...
Solife extensive library of API’s enables seamless integration with banking networks, intermediaries and partners, digital insurance portals. For faster turn-key deployment, you might prefer Solife native Digital process layer, using state-of-the-art technology along with multi-device responsive design.
With Solife, VERMEG supports key insurance companies on their target markets (Unit linked and dedicated Funds in Freedom of services from Luxembourg, Savings and Protection in Belgium, etc.) with a specific focus on current core markets (Belgium, France, Luxembourg) in order to consolidate the application positioning and compliance with local regulations. Solife supports Tiers 1 as well as Tier-2 and Tiers 3 Life insurance companies across Europe, dealing with all kinds of insurance products families.
Key Features
Solife Back-Office main functional & support functional capabilities are:
- Third parties Management
- Product Configuration & Management
- Workbenches (Tax, Fees, Extractions, Reports…)
- User / Groups / Permissions Management
- New business & Underwriting Management
- Distribution Network & Commission Management
- Investment Management & Book of Order (Buy & Sell)
- Ongoing policy administration Management (endorsements)
- Billing & Collection Management
- Technical subledger accounting
- Claim & Benefit Management
- Document Management
- Reporting & Analytics
- Workflow Management
- Batches Management & Integrated Scheduler
Digital Workplace is a standard B2B portal for “Partners & Network”, developed by VERMEG to answer intermediaries’ requirements for processes digitalization and interaction simplification. Its main functionalities are:
- Quotation & Illustration Management (existing)
- Policy simulation/projection (existing)
- Proposal Management (existing)
- Pre-Acceptance Management (existing)
- Communication Management (existing)
- Client & Policy 360° views (ongoing)
- Administrative Endorsements Management (ongoing)
- Technical Endorsements Management (ongoing)
- Loan Management (planned)
- Claim 360° view (planned)
- Claim Management (Individual policies) (planned)