

Create a vendor selection project
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  • Charlee.ai is a patented A.I.-based predictive analytics solution that helps reduce litigation, loss expenses and fraud and efficiently manages reserves. Charlee severity and litigation predictions from unstructured data with deep claim insights help operational teams streamline workflows. Pre-trained on over 55 million claims with over 50,000 insights Charlee can be up and running in under 3 months. To show the value Charlee brings, we offer a FREE 21 Day Proof of Concept. Charlee is a secure, cloud-based, and SOC 2-compliant application with custom dashboards and KPIs that provides easy data upload via SFTP or APIs and (word removed) integrates with any claims management system.

Key Features

All Lines of Business (Commercial, Personal, WC, Cyber, Excess & Surplus)

Out-the-box models with high accuracy

APIs and/or full UI of dashboards and reports provided.

Patented natural language processing of unstructed data (claims notes, documents, third parties)

Severity, Litigation, Attorney Involvement, Reserve and suspicous claims (fraud) predictions and alerts.

Claim summary (alerts, flags, insights) specifically designed for claim professionals.

Key Benefits

Reduces litigation

Reduces severity

Reduces fraud

Improves closing time for claims

improvies customer satisfaction