
Vymo EngageIQ (Sales Performance & Producer Management)

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Vymo EngageIQ for Sales Leaders and Sellers

Accelerate Sales Performance Results with an AI-Enhanced mobile and desktop solution

Vymo EngageIQ is designed for desktop and mobile users to manage sales activities in multiple lines of busines including P&C, Life & Health.

Vymo EngageIQ is the tool sales leaders have been looking for for many years. A full overview of perfromance down to any level of hierarchy and tools that allow sales managers to engage easily with wholesalers and individual agents to ensure they produce their best results.

Ensure all agencies and agents are acting at maximum capacity, receive coaching or training when they need it, and avoid the loss of potential business by reacting in rela time, where it matters most.

Producer Management (Producers / Agents / Agencies / MGA's etc)

For Sales Leaders

Get the most out of your distribution management channels - Career / Captive or Independent sales channels.

Sales Leaders need tools to view perfromance of all sales channels against set goals or objectives.

Vymo AI helps identify characteristics that are driving sales perfromance and ensures this is in from=nt of sales leaders so they can act quickly & effectiveley.

For Customer Facing Sellers

Vymo will show you the best actions to take every day to grow your business and avoid business loss.

Sales planning tools will help you manage your day and travel options - maximizing your value.

You'll have your book of business in your pocket on any IOS or Android mobile device - as well as on your mobile or laptop.

Key Features

Vymo EngageIQ Key Features

  • Vymo EngageIQ is the industry’s most innovative AI-Enhanced solution for implementing sales strategy and initiatives.

  • Sales leaders can drive business through their distribution channels, as well as initiate strategies for increasing sales and reducing customer/producer churn.

  • Your front-line sellers have mobile tools with AI generated nudges and suggestions that help them focus on actions that drive business with the right prospects/clients at the right time.

  • Interactive dashboards and AI insights highlight performance trends in real time allowing your sales leaders and distribution channels to focus their time where it matters most.

Key Benefits

Vymo EngageIQ Key Benefits for Customers

  • Business Planning : Set goals & objectives at each level of your distribution channel hierarchy. Utilize historical performance data to guide the structure of territories and KPIs.
  • Sales Performance: Intuitive interactive dashboards allowing you to analyze data from multiple perspectives and drill down to individual record. AI-generated suggestions that guide your strategic decisions.
  • Playbooks: Develop playbooks for each stage of your sales process ensuring the delivery of best practices to your distribution channels.
  • Training: Utilize AI intelligence to uncover training opportunities that will drive sales performance and reduce churn in your channels.
  • Sales Leadership Focus: to AI generated nudges and suggestions that direct sales leaders to activities with high impact on results.

