The Electronic Signature of Docaposte is the leader of electronic signature in France.
The Electronic Signature is delivered in SaaS, fully compliant with the three levels of eIDAS regulation.
Key Features
Electronic Signature can be delivered in three mode:
- Solution packaged through a didecated webportal
- Bespoke project
- API which can be inserted in your solution with specific add-ons for Salesforce and Dynamics environments
Options are available to adapt to all customers needs:
- Collection and control of supporting documents: identification of the signatory by collecting various supporting documents (identity card, IBAN, KBIS, proof of address...) and automatic and /or hulman control of the information provided by the signatory via a single application
- Offline Signature: application allowing the signing of offline documents to promote work on the go. Once the connection is recovered, the process continues until it is closed
- Time stamp certified and and qualified by La Poste, French post
Simplify and accelerate electronic signature:
- Electronic Signature can be done on move whatever the terminal (smartphone, tablet, computer)
- Available in SaaS Mode
- Multi-signatories and multi-channel
Reduce your costs thanks to electronic signature
- reduction of administrative costs by generating 30 to 60% savings per contract
- quick return on investment by increasng the rate of return of your signed documents by up to 30% and reducing your internal managements costs
Key Benefits
the key benefits of our offer are :
- Available in a SaaS mode,
- Trusted third parties and certification authority of La Poste group
- Range of solutions designed, operated and hosted in France
- Gradual deployment based on curstomer experience and maturity
- International solution
製品/サービス名 details