

Create a vendor selection project
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We are waiting for the vendor to publish their solution profile. Contact us or request the RFX.
Projects allow you to export Registered Vendor details and survey responses for analysis outside of Marsh CND. Please refer to the Marsh CND User Guide for detailed instructions.
Download Registered Vendor Survey responses as PDF
Contact vendor directly with specific questions (ie. pricing, capacity, etc)


CardWorld is CR2’s powerful end-to-end card management system that enables banks to centralise the management of both the card product portfolio and card lifecycle. CardWorld is supplied with a complete set of modules to facilitate debt issuing, which include; core configuration, card management, card detail maintenance customer services, lost and stolen card processing, security and report generation.

Key Features

  • Data encryption via HSM
  • EMV chip card issuing
  • Chip data personalisation
  • Card & envelope design
  • Magnetic strip encoding
  • Card embossing
  • Card & envelope design
  • PIN mailing
  • Printing card carriers
  • Multi-currency
  • Interface to card management system

Key Benefits

  • Increased Revenues
  • Improved Customer Service
  • Cut Costs



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