Sapiens ApplicationPro for L&A
Sapiens ApplicationPro for Life & Annuities (formerly known as StoneRiver LifeApply) is web-based insurance application software that provides carriers with the choice of a standalone eApplication system, or a more comprehensive solution that seamlessly integrates with Sapiens IllustrationPro for Life & Annuities (formerly called StoneRiver Life Portraits) and Sapiens UnderwritingPro for Life & Annuities (formerly StoneRiver LifeSuite). Sapiens ApplicationPro is robust electronic application software that helps carriers address critical business drivers, such as decreasing time‐to‐issue and reducing policy acquisition costs, all in an extremely intuitive and easy‐to‐use package.
ApplicationPro operates with a functionally-rich, user‐friendly interface. A real‐time dashboard presents a graphical representation of key data with easy navigation. Agents can work with multiple applications, insureds or products simultaneously on a single application, operating in connected (web) or disconnected (desktop) modes (with automatic data synchronization).
Suitability questionnaires are configurable and wizard‐based application entry forms can be modified. The solution offers multi‐company branding and a full line of business support – life, health and annuity – over multiple distribution channels.
ApplicationPro is easy to use for experienced and new agents alike, using wizard‐based and self-directed navigation. Content is dynamic and reflexive, with forms and questions appearing as needed, and only valid options available for selection. Pre‐population of data from CRM, needs analysis or illustration systems eliminates duplicate data entry. The system supports eSignature.
Key Features
- Multiple modes of use and pre-population of data significantly improve time-to-market and reduce new business acquisition expenses
- New business processes are simplified and “not takens” are reduced
- A highly intuitive user interface enhances the enduser experience and increases user adoption across all distribution channels
- Carrier-configurable management tools offer a high degree of flexibility and control
- ACORD-compliant transactions enable application-tounderwriting-to-case-placement in a simple, straight-throughprocess
Key Benefits
- Multiple modes of use and pre-population of data significantly improve time‐to‐market and reduce new business acquisition expenses
- New business processes are simplified and “not takens” are reduced
- A highly intuitive user interface enhances the end‐user experience and increases user adoption across all distribution channels
- Carrier‐configurable management tools offer a high degree of flexibility and control
- ACORD-compliant transactions enable application to underwriting to case placement in a simple, straight-through process