Optymyze Sales Operations™
Optymyze has a long history of successfully transforming sales and sales operations functions at large corporations with integrated solutions that include a three-pronged approach to client success:
- Strategic Planning (a quarterly process with a long-term perspective, a desire for innovation, and a mission of strategic and operational transformation)
- Operational Planning (looking out three to 12 months, with a focus on planning beyond the current service delivery issues)
- Service Delivery (with a focus on delivering the highest value within the set budget)
A choice of varying levels of ongoing engagement that range from:
- Application setup and change management support, to
- The design and management of a sales operations center of excellence.
A set of enabling cloud platforms:
- Sales Performance Management
- Data Repository and ETL Management
- Reporting and Analytics
- Enterprise Planning
- Application Development (End-user apps are made with this)