Transaction reporting eligibility validator
Duco has partnered with Quorsus, part of Capgemini, to build an independent validation of internal eligibility rules, with a rule-by-rule comparison vs existing ESMA eligibility requirements.
The tool highlights under/overreporting and identifies not just which trades are eligible, but which criteria are causing issues and why, providing actionable insight in a matter of minutes. It combines Duco's robust data prep, reconciliation and exception management capabilities and Quorsus' extensive regulatory industry knowledge.
Key Features
- Clients can run checks whenever they want in the Duco platform
- Detailed, rule-level results (eligible, ineligible or undetermined) available in minutes
- Automated exception management workflow, enabling quick action on mismatches
Key Benefits
Helps to ensure accurate reporting and demonstrate robust, independently validated controls
Actionable data insights in an easy-to use workflow
Provides a constant by which you can measure the impact of change on a rule-by-rule level