
msg.Life Factory

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msg.Life Factory - Policy administration system for life insurance companies

The upgradeable standard software msg.Life Factory is already deployed productively at many life insurance companies and offers a unique combination of flexibility and efficiency. It does not come off the peg, but as a system tailored to your individual requirements.

The policy administration system enables innovative products to be introduced quickly and all business processes to be carried out with great efficiency, for both private client business and company pension plans. Its modern, service-oriented system architecture based on JEE technology supports various business models from back-office processing to a portal-based B2C approach.

Key Features

  • Tried-and-tested standard software – as if it were made for you
    Our upgradeable standard solution with CCC architecture (core-country-customer layer) gives your company maximum security of investment and a secure future. Clear distinctions between individual layers offer great latitude for customisation, without having to forego updates to the standard software. The advantages of this standard software are already enjoyed by many insurance companies.
  • Flexible product model/time to market
    The underlying flexible product model with preconfigured sample products enables a high degree of innovation and fast implementation, so ensuring you stay competitive
  • Service-oriented system architecture on the basis of JEE technology
    The service-oriented system architecture is state-of-the-art and offers great latitude for designing the system integration and process automation. It guarantees high performance even for very large portfolios. In addition the solution supports a wide range of Internet-enabled devices and platforms, making it possible to operate different business models (B2B, B2C)
  • High degree of preconfiguration and automation
    The msg.Life Factory covers all life insurance business processes across the entire life cycle of a policy. The scope of its functional performance, its modern service-oriented architecture and ease of integration with existing IT environments help to generate end-to-end digital processes and so ensure high process efficiency.
  • Ready for the cloud/SaaS
    The software solution is also available via a private cloud. msg life provides the application software in a computing centre and takes care of maintenance, modifications in line with regulatory requirements and technical operations. The service level, including flexible financing and payment models, can be adapted to your individual needs.

Key Benefits

Your advantages

  • A unique policy administration system with the latest actuarial and financial models and a wide range of additional components
  • A flexible product model and high degree of preconfiguration enables short times to market for new products
  • High process coverage makes for cost-effective contract management and good service
  • SOA and modern technology for a safe investment and flexible process structuring
  • Browser access means there is no need to roll out software or install it on the client
  • Flexible scalability ensures top performance, even for large numbers of users
  • All business processes can be carried out completely automatically, or also be relocated closer to the front end or the point of service
  • Low integration costs thanks to component architecture, flexible technical mechanisms for system integration and predefined standard interfaces
  • Compatible with various technical platforms (Windows, UNIX)
  • Ensures compliance with statutory requirements as standard