
APRA EFS solution

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Australian Prudential Regulation Authority APRA collects data from the financial sector entities on behalf of the ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics) and the RBA (Reserve Bank of Australia). The collections are used to compile key macroeconomic indicators and also a vital input for measuring and assessing both activity and risk in the financial sector and for AU economy more broadly. It has not been comprehensively reviewed or materially updated since early 2000s. New and changing international reporting standards combined with an evolving financial sector has resulted in a growing disconnect between the data collected and what is actually required to fulfill reporting obligations.

Key Features

  • SBR taxonomy enabled platform
  • Award winning regulatory reporting platform with the ability to integrate raw data from disparate sources
  • Metadata driven solution with full data lineage from data loading in source systems through to electronic report submission
  • Configurable makerchecker based reporting and submission process with full audit trails
  • Robust big data management with extensive data validations and reconciliations
  • Data archiving, versioning and transparency with configurable taxonomies
  • Dashboard capability providing a quick overview of key apra reporting metrics and submission status

Key Benefits

  • Classify data direct to sbr, no interpretations needed
  • Reusability of cross return sbr concepts resulting in lower implementation and maintenance overhead
  • More streamlined reporting processes, less data manipulation andtime required to produce reports
  • Tighter, cleaner regulatory and operations control frameworks with functionalities such as the adjustment history, 4-eye check and report sign-off features
  • Increased efficiency for decision-making process
  • Increased business user enablement and reduced operational risk



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